Our average customer is 22 👩🎤
Sometimes online commenters are confused about why someone old enough to be using a vibrator would want discreet delivery. We're really happy for those people, because that means they can't relate to the economy many of us live in! The fact is, about half of American adults under thirty live with their parents. They deserve access to the same products as anyone else, without fear of awkwardness or embarrassment. (Others live with roommates.)
Okay, but why plushies? Well, we like them. They're also the best decoy that can fit different shaped toys without rattling noise, not add too much extra weight and shipping cost, and still be fun and usable after delivery!
Recently we had the idea to get a rough statistical age average of our customers from order emails. A lot of email addresses end with a four digit year. Our awesome technical team wrote a script to take all the likely birth years from order emails and calculate the average.
Woo comp sci! Nerdy details: The code needs the last four characters before the @ to be numbers, and the character before that to not be a number. This avoids random long number strings. Then we filter for numbers that are likely birth years. The number can't be higher than 2015. It's a bit absurd to think a number could represents an 8 year old browsing and buying adult products with a credit card, rather than say the year someone created another throwaway email. Frankly I think a more realistic max year would be way further back, but I guess we don't want to look biased. The number also can't be before 1990. I personally know there are couples 35+ buying our products, but that's okay, I won't sweat the details 😅
The result we got from all of our orders?
22 (21.65625).